So often growing up and into adulthood I felt like I was unseen and didn't have a voice. I felt as if I was just existing and didn't quite fit in. I wanted to be noticed, but honestly I didn't know how to speak up for myself. I was living in my head and could only hear the negative thoughts from my past and current situation. I felt trapped and paralyzed in my mind, but I did a great job of hiding it.
I was still active in ministry and expanding my educational goals, but I was living a lie. I was giving everyone around me a voice, but not myself. I was going out of my way to cheer everyone around me on, but leaving myself in the dark hallowed halls of my mind. I didn't feel like I was worthy I was waiting for someone to affirm me. Like, "you look good" or "your writing really moved me." Living in the shadows of myself was a dangerous place for me.
The danger came when I would make the wrong decisions because I was trying to impress people who didn't even want me in their circle. I was being tolerated and not celebrated. I could never understand why I was good to be your secret and not your reality. Then one day I heard in my spirit. See Me!
What? See me. It was my inner self talking to itself. I never saw myself. I was seeing myself through the eyes of others. In essence I didn't set boundaries. How could I expect someone to treat me well and I wasn't treating myself well. How could I be respected and I didn't respect myself. Yes, it was time to SEE ME!
So often in life we exist for others and not ourselves. Make the decision today to see yourself. Stand up and make the decision to be seen and not take the backseat to yourself. You are worthy and deserve more. Start today and say out loud "SEE ME!"
